Our Projects
A Family Learning Centre designed with a focus on functionality, safety and comfort
A high-end car dealership, showcasing Lexus luxury vehicles to the public
A visionary Precinct in the heart of the Ulverstone community
A redevelopment of the Meercroft Park clubroom facilities for the Devonport community
A high-quality, customised aged care facility complete with outdoor green spaces and vibrant lifestyle programs
A single title social housing development located in the suburb of Chigwell
An innovative development of an old storage warehouse in the centre of Hobart converted into a mixture of 12 two bedroom apartments
A luxury apartment complex in Battery Point Tasmania, comprising seven high end apartments and a lap pool
A 22 bed sub-acute ward located in the Peacock Building at the Hobart Repatriation Hospital
Barossa Park Aged Care Facility is a purposely built facility to provide the best care and lifestyle possible for ageing in place
East Launceston Primary School is a large inner city primary school with an increasing enrolment demand
The Specialist Clinic located on level 3 (ground level) of the Launceston General Hospital had reached its physical capacity
Riverside Primary is a high profile public school in a competitive catchment area. This project involved an extension and refurbishment
The redevelopment is the first major upgrade for the facility since its initial construction some 20 years ago
The Northern Support School (NSS) is the only government Special School in northern Tasmania with an enrolment of 100+ students from Kindergarten to Year 12 with ambulant and non-ambulant disabilities
Located at the existing Parramatta Justice Precinct – Trial Courts Building, CES were engaged by Principal Consultant ARTAS Architects
TasWater’s new regional headquarters in the heart of Devonport centralises not only the bulk of its North West administration but also consolidates
The Audi showroom offers a display area for 8 new vehicles with space for 24 more vehicles in the forecourt
Kingston Beach Dental is a dental practice to inspire positive lifelong attitudes and habits towards oral health
St Patricks College redevelopment comprised of the construction of the Edmund Rice Centre, a 2 Level purpose built facility for General learning Areas and Administration functions and the refurbishment of the existing Middle School campus
The CH Smith Development is an adaptive reuse project which sought to respect the unique existing built heritage on the site
The project involved the construction of 25m Hydrotherapy Pool, Clubhouse, Amenities, Kiosk, Café and Maintenance Facility over 2 levels
The refurbishment of TasNetworks Administration Southern Headquarters involved the fitout of existing building stock at Maria Street, Lenah Valley